Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lets start BLOGGING!!!

Ok so this blogging thing is brand new to me and let me just admit I'm HORRIBLE at it!!!Then why am I doing do you ask???Well that is an excellent question!This past 6 months have been just a crazy time of growing in our family's life.From wonderful stories of women choosing life at Family Planning abortion clinic, to our every day life.It truly has been a roller coaster of adventure for us three.My sister in law( who is amazing at blogging and such an encouragement in my walk) has time after time said I should blog. My excuse every time was I don't know how, but more and more the Lord has pressed it on me to start one, to share our struggles, our blessing and to ultimately share what the Lord is doing in and through us. Of course posting absolutely adorable pictures of my oh so crazy 18 month old, my handsome husband, and myself will be a given, but to give God the glory for everything He brings us to.Are you excited?! :) I hope so!

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